Evening Star Bazaar

Transform Textile Waste. Support Small Businesses. Support Artist Representation.

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Evening Star Bazaar

Conscious Fashion. Empower Your Personal Style.

Evening Star Bazaar

Community Support. Advocate Ethical Fashion Practices.

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Evening Star Bazaar is a sustainable fashion marketplace offering curated collections of eco-conscious clothing, artisanal crafts, and household essentials. Our platform combines sustainable products with personalized styling guides, empowering individuals to express their unique style. 

Our Vibe

At Evening Star Bazaar, our mission is to lead the charge towards a more sustainable future by advocating for conscious consumerism and promoting ethical practices in the fashion industry. Through our commitment to sustainability, education, and community engagement, we aim to inspire individuals to make informed choices, embrace their unique style, and contribute to a healthier planet and society.

Collaborative Platform 


Curated Marketplace.

Providing a platform of vetted sustainable products from small businesses in one place.

Personal Vibe

And a fun way to express ourselves is through clothes. Our styling guides can lead to inspired personal-looks.

Sustainability is essential.

We minimize our eco-social impact by prioritizing local resources.

Artist collaboration.

Artists can collaborate on our exclusive backend platform. 

Creators matter.

Behind a creation is a person and giving those artists recognition and support is a key part of what makes Evening Star Bazaar different from other platforms.  

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